Pie charts in excel 2013
Pie charts in excel 2013

On the Insert tab, click the Pie chart icon in the Charts There are several default charts to choose from.(Note that if your table has a “Grand Total” row, do NOT include this row or it will be considered a “slice” of your pie.)

pie charts in excel 2013

Select the range or table of data you want to illustrate in your chart.We will start with a summary of the giving totals by level. A pie chart is perfect for this illustration. In our example, we want to show the relationship between the different levels of donors that give to our charity as compared to total giving. To follow using our example, download Excel Pie Chart Tutorial.xlsx: Insert the chart Images were taken using Excel 2013 on the Windows 7 OS so the specific steps may vary based on your version. The following steps illustrate how to add a pie chart to your Excel spreadsheet. You also won’t use a pie chart when you need to compare data that is not, in the end, summarized into a grand total. Pie charts are not good for showing changes over time.

pie charts in excel 2013

You will use pie charts when you want to show how specific aspects – or slices – of your data contribute to the big picture. The Pie Chart is an “industry standard” for conveying the relationship of parts to the whole.

pie charts in excel 2013

Charts create visual impact that conveys not only the data itself, but its relationships and meaning. Once you have gone to the effort of collecting, organizing and processing your data, you probably want to show it off! Tables do a nice job of presenting raw information, but a chart can bring your data to life. By Tepring Crocker Categories: Charts, Excel® Tags: excel pie chart tutorial

Pie charts in excel 2013