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🔸You will get chance to catch Larvitar of Lv 1 in the Silver MT/Mt Silver. 🔸You will get Snorlax of level 30(in Pokémon Center) After earning your 4th GYM Badge. 🔸You will get only one chance to catch Cyndaquil, Totodile & Chikorita (Original, Which will Evolve to there final Form). (But they will be better the the Original). 🔸Cyndaquil & Totodile won't evolve,Chikorita will only evolve into Bayleef at Lv 30. 🔸You will get Original Charizard at the start after Giving to Liza, you will get later on a Different and better Charizard. 🔸Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Cyndaquil, Totodile & Chikorita (the one you will get) are different & better from other which you will find in other places or with other trainers. 🔸Male and Female Character both are available(For Male Ash) (For Female Ashley)
🔸Follows the same event as in the Anime Series(Most of the part in now there) 🔸Have the opportunity to catch all of the Poke`mon Which Ash Catches. 🔸You will get all 3 Kanto Starters Pokémon at the starting of the game ,when you will see Suicune.
🔸Johto Map ,But you won't get town map anywhere. 🔸You can give nickname to any of your Poke'mon, using the machine which is in the Pokémon Center. 🔸 Play as Ash Katchum, in Johto.(season 3, 4 & 5).